
I made a SQL metadata table for my projects. I use a separate table for my custom indexen. With a datatable i load my index meta table in BIML. With a foreach loop i made this possible for each table. For my new tables created with tables.getBIML() the index is  added to the create statement. For my packages i can use table.indexes to disable & rebuild all the index on the table. But how can i use the table.indexes / BIML metadata for tables that already exists? But need to add the index still.

So to be clear BIML knows which index columns & names etc already, but how can i reuse this? A workaround would be to make another data table and iterate this and create a index based on the information from the data table, but because i already did this and BIML knows somewhere already all the index information, i guess that there should be a better way. I searched but the documentation about indexen and BIML is limited.

Can you help me with this?


Regards, Hilbert