Given the following BIML, I would expect that a derived column get produced with the error configuration set to "IgnoreFailure" for all rows.
Instead, I see the error configuration is defaulting to "Fail Component" on the ssis design surface.

If I change the disposition to "RedirectRow" or "FailComponent" it works as expected...
If I change the disposition to "IgnoreFailure" it doesnt work

<DerivedColumns Name="DER Ignore Casting Error">
        <OutputPath OutputPathName="Output">
            <# foreach(var column in writableCols) { #>
                <Column ErrorRowDisposition="IgnoreFailure" TruncationRowDisposition="IgnoreFailure" ColumnName="<#=column.Name#>" />
            <# } #>
        <# foreach(var column in writableCols) { #>
            <Column Name="<#=column.Name#>" DataType="<#=column.DataType#>" Length="<#=column.Length#>" Precision="<#=column.Precision#>" Scale="<#=column.Scale#>" CodePage="<#=column.CodePage#>">(DT_STR, 4, 1252)DUMMY_VALUE</Column>
        <# } #>
This is what I would expect to see when disposition is set to "IgnoreFailure", but I actually see  "FailComponent" on all columns.
The output biml produced for this section looks like this:
<DerivedColumns Name="DER Ignore Casting Error">
    <OutputPath OutputPathName="Output">
            <Column ColumnName="DummyColumn" />
        <Column Name="DummyColumn" DataType="AnsiString" Length="4" Precision="-1" Scale="-1">(DT_STR, 4, 1252)DUMMY_VALUE</Column>
I am using BimlExpress version 1.0 with Visual Studio 2017 SSDT