When I run my BIML script - it keep's popping up with this error message:
" A password must be specified when ProtectionLevel is set to EncryptSensitiveWithPassword. Specify a password using build settings or the PackagePassword/ProjectPassword property"
First I set the the Password like this
Debug -> Properties -> ProtectionLevel = EncryptSensitiveWithPassword
Then I ran my Bimlcode.
I always use the same code - so why it dosen't work now is beyond me.
<Package Name="SEQ Create Staging" ConstraintMode="Parallel" ProtectionLevel="EncryptSensitiveWithPassword">
<Container Name=" Stg Container">
<# foreach (var table in RootNode.Tables.Where(c => c.GetTag("Type") == "stg")) {#>
<ExecuteSQL Name="SQl Create <#=table.Name#>" ConnectionName="<#=stgConnectionName#>">
<DirectInput><#=table.GetTableSql().Replace("[" + table.SchemaName + "].[", "[" + stgSchema + "].[")#></DirectInput>
<# } #>