Posted Sun, 11 Mar 2018 01:06:18 GMT by jacob alley
We just sent you a DropBox invite to the BimlExpress 2018 R3 Preview share. This should correct the issue you're seeing. This build is production ready. Please let us know if it doesn't resolve the problem or if you encounter any other issues. Thank you for your patience while we corrected the issue.
Posted Thu, 20 Sep 2018 13:43:54 GMT by
Hi, i instaleld BimlExpress 2018 in VS 2013 and i won't get the autocompletion to work.
Posted Sat, 11 May 2019 03:47:29 GMT by jacob alley

I believe that is related to this issue: . We have an instrumented build that we can send you that collects some additional logging information, if you would be interested in helping us nail down this issue. Email if you are willing to lend a helping hand, and we will provide more information.

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