After executing a load, the `[bfx].[ConfigVariable]` table does UPDATE the `[VariableValue]` or `[PreviousValue]` columns.Cause
This issue presents itself when the follow are all true:
Parameter is an int or decimal datatype
Parameter already has an entry in [bfx].[ConfigVariable]
The current [VariableValue] can be evaluated as a date
Specifically if ISDATE( [VariableValue] ) = 1 on SQL Server
The value being loaded does CAN NOT be evaluated as a date
Specifically if ISDATE( [VariableValue] ) = 0 on SQL Server
As of the BimlFlex 2021 release, this issue can be circumvented via manual database update statement.
A DATATYPEOVERRIDE column has been placed in the `[bfx].[ConfigVariable]` table in the BimlCatalog. If there is an affected Parameter, this value can be manually updated to `int` or `decimal` to prevent incorrectly flagging a value as a 'date'.
Additional documentation can be found here: Load Parameters